We provide a portfolio of disaster recovery solutions direct to UK based businesses.
To help businesses with all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery, we are pleased to provide a portfolio of solutions e.g.:
Connectivity Solutions
Bonded 3G/4G Router products which allow you to aggregate mobile data links in order to instantly provide a reliable internet connection at remote, temporary, mobile, new and unserved locations.
Bonded ADSL and FTTC services where landlines are readily available but do not individually provide the bandwidth or reliability which your business requires.
Leased line services for very high bandwidth requirements.
Private Application Hosting
A range of Application Hosting services from our “Tier1” UK Datacentre.
Rather than running your own IT in-house we offer you the option of virtualising your existing infrastructure, offsite, in a private cloud environment.
Public Cloud Services
Expertise in migrating from in-house IT infrastructure to a variety of popular “cloud” based services e.g. Microsoft Office 365, Amazon Web Services.
Benefits include cost saving, with no requirement to invest in servers and software, minimal support overhead, eliminates the need for backups and disaster recovery plans, remote working and exceptionally reliable.
Business Continuity and Data Recovery
Easily restore a lost file or an entire business infrastructure in minutes.
With DRaaS, a business is only 6 seconds away from its data, no matter what kind of disaster strikes.
If you feel that we could be of assistance in any of these areas we would be very pleased to hear further from you.