Case Studies

Case Study: Derby Police use OptiBond to Stream Drone Footage

Case Study: Derby Police use OptiBond to Stream Drone Footage
The Challenge In recent years there has been dramatic growth in the use of UAV / Drones for numerous applications in sectors as diverse as warfare, security and construction. Streaming video, audio and other information to a ground controller is established technology; but reliably transmitting that on across the internet for review / decision making by remote personnel is more of a challenge. The Solution i-MO OptiBond Professional Bonding Routers addr...

Case Study: EMS Deploys Private Network at Whitehill & Bordon Town Centre

Case Study: EMS Deploys Private Network at Whitehill & Bordon Town Centre
Prince Philip Park Regeneration Programme Prince Philip Park is part of one of the most exciting and innovative and largest regeneration projects in the UK. The development will provide sustainable growth in Whitehill & Bordon taking a community of 14,000 people to one with over 23,000 people. Our vision is to make Whitehill & Bordon one of the most desirable places to live, work and play in the region. The Solution—100% Connectivity Whit...