Government £5bn Project Gigabit biggest broadband rollout in history

The Government has pledged £5bn to Project Gigabit which will be the biggest broadband rollout in history across the UK.

It includes plans to roll full fibre out across the country and up to £210 million financial help for people in rural areas in the form of vouchers up to the value of £1,500 for homes and £3,500 for businesses.

The first contract is £6m with Wessex Internet will provide broadband to 7,000 properties across Dorset by 2025.

The Government has allocated £690m in procurement contracts to provide internet for 498,000 premises in the hardest to reach places across the UK.

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Stratford regen kicks off with 2k homes

Stratford Regeneration
Stratford Regeneration

Residents have backed plans for 2,300 new homes as part of a massive £1bn redevelopment in London’s East Stratford which will eventually see 10,000 new homes in the area by 2030.

Carpenter Estate right next to the old Olympic Village got the go-ahead by residents to build new properties, refurbish old properties and create a new community centre parks and shops. Around half the properties will be classed as affordable. 400 homes will be demolished.

This is the first phase in a 15 year plan by Newham Council to revitalise the area including a new town centre.

£10bn Government offsite framework to be issued

Modular Construction Credit B via Flickr

The Government is issuing a new framework for modular and offsite construction projects MMC Modern Methods of Construction called Offsite Construction Solutions (OCS) which will run for 4 years and a £10bn option to renew. Modular construction refers to prefabricated elements which are manufactured offsite and assembled onsite. It is much cheaper and faster than traditional construction and is the preferred method of construction by the Government however modular construction has had mixed fortunes in the United Kingdom after the 1968 collapse of the Ronan Point tower in East London only 2 months after it was opened.

The new framework replaces the existing £500m modular framework issued 4 years ago and will apply to public sector, hosing and schools contracts across the UK for permanent or temporary works.

Crown Commercial Service is managing the process and is hosting a bidders day TODAY 1 September.

Deadline to apply is 7 October, apply here http://https//

Diversity in Construction

Credit Infrastructure Intelligence

Infrastructure Intelligence is hosting a webinar on Friday 23 September 2022 at 11am about Diversity in Construction.

Despite a recognition in recent years of the importance of diversity in construction, women make up only 15% of the workforce in the industry. Although hiring managers focus on diversity in entry-level positions more diverse candidates are needed to fill senior and key roles.

More diverse teams can lead to better results. Teams that more accurately represent society are more likely to be more productive, make better decisions and have improved morale leading to longer tenure.

Register here

Bam Nuttal improves Leeds to Bradford journeys

Bam Nuttal has just completed works to improve the journey from Leeds to Bradford via the A647 by delivering highways infrastructure enhancements.

Analysis of traffic including pedestrians and cyclists led to a design that took all elements into account and now provide beneficial journey times and safety for all.

Cycling infrastructure has been implemented as well as smart city infrastructure so the lights adjust to traffic levels in different directions.

Bus journey times are reduced by 7-8 minutes at busy times by the provision of new dedicated bus lanes.

Chinese office block to replace iconic Daily Express building

Chinese developers have hired Erith to demolish the iconic former Daily Express block at 120 Fleet Street.

The new 21 story building to be called ‘Evergo Tower’ will be 600,000 square feet and feature a public rooftop garden.

The £429m project by Chinese Estates Holdings was supposed to commence last year and commence in 2026 so given the delay might complete in 2027.

There is another Evergo Tower in Shanghai which is 21 floors and thankfully looks decidedly different to the one planned for London. It is the largest Asian-owned commercial development approved by the City of London in the last few years.

The Chair of Chinese Estates Holdings a certain Joseph Lau ‘renowned for his remarkable success and wizardary victories’ according to HR Asia plans to create an art gallery in the block and insert what he has said is his ‘favourite picture’ called ‘Everything must go’. A fact!

John Sisk nixes fossil fuels

Contractor John Sisk and Son is the first Irish construction company to have removed fossil fuels from all its sites in Ireland. It’s replaced it with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) supplied by Certa which will reduce its emissions by up to 90%, the main source of which is diesel engines.

The contractor has also replaced its UK operations with HVO earlier in the year leading to a 36% cut in carbon emissions.

HVO is a completely renewable resource based on waste and grease oil from food residues in the food and agriculture industries. Some products can replace diesel in engines without any modification and is approved for use in heavy machinery, making the switch easy.

HVO is around 10-15% more expensive than diesel due to the fact that it is a relatively new fuel source therefore less manufacturing units exist therefore it has to be transported over larger distances, but cost should reduce as it becomes more readily available.