beable Wearable Plans

EMS’ beable Wearable bracelet is being scoped for development to transition into a device to protect workers by understanding and transmitting location data and communicating dangerous / restricted areas to workers (access control) with the effect of making the site more productive and safer.

Check back for more updates soon!

Beable Saves Construction From COVID

Luckily, technology exists so Construction sites can stay open and take care of their workers with beable® Wearable which has been deployed at a large north London site to keep workers safe and productive; it facilitates physical distancing as well as interaction tracking. Co-developed by Electronic Media Services and COMIT Projects and funded by Innovate UK, the new technology has been well received and plans to rollout to further sites in Q2 this year are underway.

Click here to find out more

HS2 Buys Piccadilly Tower Site in Manchester

The 200m tower plans have been abandoned for HS2 with the site being bought by HS2 from Ballymore. The 60-story Piccadilly Tower block plans were delayed for more than a decade. The site will form the hub of Manchester’s HS2 station, scheduled to complete in 2033. The old plans included 650 apartments, large hotel, car park and commercial spaces. The new plans could include 13,000 homes in the surrounding areas according to HS2. Still debate about whether it will be above ground or below ground with HS2 preferring the former but council preferring underground.

Internet Connectivity for New, Temporary and Challenging locations…

For new, temporary and challenging locations why not consider the EMS i-MO OptiBond solution? Delivers fast / resilient aggregated 4G and / or fixed line services to site in days. The system is widely used on difficult to serve and new commercial and infrastructure projects.  See

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Massive Waterloo Redevelopment

Waterloo Redevelopment Credit Roma Fox via Unsplash
Waterloo Redevelopment Credit Roma Fox via Unsplash

Old Elizabeth House built in the 1960s has been acquired by BH Reavis and will be turned into ‘One Waterloo’ development with 3 acres of outdoor space including an ‘urban skyfarm’ on the 16th floor and around a million square feet of space.

The plans include a contribution from the developer for step-free access to the Underground at Waterloo Station, a 200m public garden promenade two floors above street level and zero emissions target for the project.

800 Pimlico Homes Approved

Pimlico Ввласенко, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Pimlico Ввласенко, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Westminster City Council received planning approval for redevelopment of the Ebury Bridge Estate in Pimlico to be redeveloped by Bouygues as the main contractor. Half of the new homes will be affordable and includes 239 council homes. There will be no car parking but 2,000 cycle spaces. The plans include a new community hub, nursery and fitness centre, four outdoor community spaces and 270 new trees planted. This is an uplift of 400 more homes than the current development.

Wates Wins £50m Dangerous Buildings Emergency Works Contract

Dangerous Building Henrietta Street William Murphy via flickr
Dangerous Building Henrietta Street William Murphy via flickr

London Dangerous Structures Consortium which consists of a number of London Boroughs has deemed the need for a main contractor to make dangerous buildings safe until permanent repairs can be done, carrying out works such as repairing after fire or fixing a fallen chimney. The contract also includes some maintenance work. Wates was responsible for the Grenfell Tower site and has been guaranteed no work in the contract with the consortium saying that it is unlikely to use the full £50m value of the contract.